Alexander Sinitsyn2019-02-15 15:59:17
Internationalization and localization
Alexander Sinitsyn, 2019-02-15 15:59:17

Is it possible to translate the standard user interface inscriptions into another language for free somewhere?

There are resources for the user interface - 30 pieces, length from one to three words, ordering a translation for such a trifle is somehow not a hunt, besides, most of the words are standard (open, close, user ... etc.) .
I ran it through two translators into Polish, got completely different results.
For example

<string name="DefaultUserName">Użytkownika</string>
<string name="close">Zamknąć</string>
<string name="app_version_name">wersja:</string>
<string name="title_whiteboard">do praktyki</string>

<string name="DefaultUserName">User</string>
<string name="close">Close</string>
<string name="app_version_name">Version:</string>
<nazwa strun="title_whiteboard">Dla praktyki</string>

those. the second translated all the standard texts into English. Yes, and Polish does not match.
Is there any service or program where translations of UI topics are collected?
So far I've come up with only one option... search github for strings like "res/values-pl/strings.xml"

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1 answer(s)
Dimonchik, 2019-02-15

well, and all sorts of localizes - competitors, there is a bit of machine-made fries here and there

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