kevus2018-09-14 03:43:17
kevus, 2018-09-14 03:43:17

Is it possible to synchronize the Ethereum contract and the MetaMask wallet with my page?

Hello. There is a contract based on Ethereum. To interact with it (in this case, I need to send the approve function), I need to synchronize the contract with MetaMask by pressing the Write Contract - Connect with Metamask button:
And already work with it.
I want to bring the approve function to my page (on the front-end).
Roughly speaking, I want to completely bring the work with the contract to my page.
I don't know where to start, how it all happens.
Maybe there is some kind of API - what kind of stack is needed for this?
If I have to order development, I don’t even know who to look for.

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1 answer(s)
Dimonchik, 2018-09-14

see web3js

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