chief2020-03-28 13:41:38
Computer networks
chief, 2020-03-28 13:41:38

Is it possible to sum the channel from 4x LTE modems?

The question is a little from the field of masochism, But still...
Due to quarantine, I have to sit in the countryside. Internet is unlimited, but the speed is reduced to 1Mbps.
I saw on OpenWRT there is mwan (like channel reservation, or association, I haven’t figured it out yet.)
In this regard, the idea arose to take the Internet from 4 modems and combine it with the fifth RJ45 in the router and get 4Mbps.

Tell me, is it real?
// Well, that is, I understand that in any case it will not be a single stream, but 4 separate ones. But for example, when downloading a torrent or through a download manager, where is the download in parts - should it work?

Has anyone already done this? Share your experience :)

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3 answer(s)
ky0, 2020-03-28

It is possible, but there are a couple of nuances.
Look for the article "Real summation of Internet channels - OpenMPTCPRouter" on Habré.

Drno, 2020-03-28

Connect an iota, the rates are cheap ...
Only if you manually split the flows, through routing.
Like this site - through the 1st gateway
To this site - through the 2nd

alex133, 2020-03-30

Not for advertising, there are TP-LINK TL-R480T + class routers, they have channel balancing. And at the same time. And almost nothing needs to be configured, I connected four providers and that's it.

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