ushim2014-05-23 18:47:12
Regular Expressions
ushim, 2014-05-23 18:47:12

Is it possible to specify a safe zone in regular expressions?

Good day.
Tell me, is it possible to specify a "safe zone" in C# in regular expressions, i.e. so that Regexp does not work in this zone (for example, between two arbitrary characters).
I'll give you an example.
I have a string '2+'+'3=5', it needs to be divided by pluses, but only so that the pluses in apostrophes remain there, i.e. as a result, you need an array of three elements (two parts of the string and one separator):
First of all, the Regexp solution is of interest, but if there are alternatives, except for passing through the string and comparing, then please share.

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1 answer(s)
Ilya Glebov, 2014-05-26

Here's how I got it

foreach(var substring in Regex.Split("'2+'+'3=5'", @"'\+'").Select(s => s.Trim('\'')))



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