lakegull2015-12-19 22:36:29
lakegull, 2015-12-19 22:36:29

Is it possible to somehow use an HTML5 plugin in WordPress?

Codecanyon.net sells plugins in the HTML5 section, like this one . As far as I understand they don't have direct support as WordPress plugins.
Tell me in a nutshell, what are these HTML plugins and what CMS do they work under?
Is it possible to integrate such a plugin into Wordpress?

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1 answer(s)
Sergiu Mitu, 2015-12-19

Yes. By any means. wordpress only manages html, and what kind of html it doesn't care, even though there are a billion nested divs.
html plugins are nothing more than a ready-made solution to something, usually beautiful. html + css + js
they work under any CMS, since it is essentially just a layout.

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