Denis2020-07-20 11:33:19
Project management
Denis, 2020-07-20 11:33:19

Is it possible to run multiple sprints at the same time?

Good afternoon. We work in a company with a client's product. At the same time, about 5-6 analyzes of different functionals are performed. According to the requirements of clients, there are situations that at the same time about 3-4 different functionalities are launched into development (the amount of work is from 90 hours and more). The same programmers are developing at the same time. Is this situation normal from the point of view of project management?

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3 answer(s)
Robur, 2020-07-20

You probably only have one brain per programmer. Therefore, it can only do one task.
If you have several unrelated tasks at the same time, this means that programmers are constantly jumping from one to another, or they are constantly pulled from one to the other. He started to create functional A, plunged into work, and then they say to him "well, how are we doing with B"? and many other problems.
This approach can hardly be called effective.

about 3-4 different functionalities are launched into development at the same time

can be read as "we pile an unstructured bunch of tasks on the team and they somehow rake themselves there."
management must sort out priorities and build a plan for what tasks to do now and what later. Depending on many things - importance, resources, arrangements with clients, unforeseen circumstances, and so on.
If this is left to the programmers, believing that "they simultaneously develop" all these features, then it's just that the management does its job poorly and the developers have to think and manage the process for them.

Ivan Shumov, 2020-07-20

There are no multiple sprints in one project. A sprint is a time frame and a set of tasks. Learn how to properly split epics, story and tag tasks and you will be happy. And tasks can be filtered so that everything does not hang with your eyes

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