Dmitry2020-05-10 12:47:41
Network administration
Dmitry, 2020-05-10 12:47:41

Is it possible to restart a computer via RDP if it is frozen?

The connection is made via RDP, login through a Windows AD account.
Today the computer stopped responding, is it possible to do something in this case? It is now problematic to get to a remote computer to check.

PS: The BIOS was configured to force the computer to turn on when the power is turned off.

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2 answer(s)
res2001, 2020-05-10

computer stopped pinging

Has he pinged before?
If the pings fell off, then the network apparently fell off and there can be no talk of any remote actions in principle.
If it is still moving, then, for example, the shutdown command can work over the network. You can go to another computer on the network and issue a shutdown for your patient.
In general, in order not to depend on the health of the OS, you need to use something like IPMI, vPro, etc. And this requires preliminary preparation at the stage of buying computers.

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