mUchenik2017-09-12 11:27:15
mUchenik, 2017-09-12 11:27:15

Is it possible to reboot the computer remotely?

All good and health!
Tell me, please, how to solve my problem remotely:
I use TeamViewer, the remote computer stopped responding, when I tried to reconnect to it, I encountered an error

The partner is not connected to the router. Error Code: WaitforConnectFailed

The most incomprehensible thing for me is that the program sees the computer and even thinks that the computer is online, but doesn’t want to connect anyway ...
Maybe there is some way to restart the computer, since the teamviewer still sees the remote computer?

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1 answer(s)
Eldar01, 2017-09-12

He does not see in your case

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