arr0w2020-08-24 00:15:41
Google Sheets
arr0w, 2020-08-24 00:15:41

Is it possible to parse the current dollar exchange rate into a table?

Is it possible to get the USD/RUB exchange rate from profinance.ru for a specific day and paste it into a cell?
If it is possible, then how to insert the date from the table into this formula?
Table example:
This method is possible to implement, but only the article was able to google, how to parse the course from cbr.ru. But the formula, for some reason, breaks down when it wants to, and the values ​​are: #N/A.
The dollar exchange rate for the day you are interested in can be viewed on this page .

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1 answer(s)
Grigory Boev, 2020-08-24

=IMPORTXML("http://www.cbr.ru/scripts/XML_daily.asp"; "//ValCurs/Valute[CharCode=""USD""]/Value")
= GoogleFinance("Currency:USDRUB")

If these sources do not suit you, then do the same through the IMPORTXML + xPath request (which can be peeped in the F12 console )

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