Victor P.2020-09-18 17:29:45
Victor P., 2020-09-18 17:29:45

Is it possible to make shorthand writing of .net core 3.1 filters?

Good afternoon!
I use .net core 3.1
I made a custom filter:

public class AuthorizeRoles : Attribute, IFilterFactory
        public bool IsReusable => false;
        public RoleEnum[] roles { get; set; }

        public IFilterMetadata CreateInstance(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
            var filter = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(RolesValidation)) as RolesValidation;

            filter.roles = roles;

            return filter;

Now I can use it in some methods:
        [AuthorizeRoles(roles = new RoleEnum[] { RoleEnum.roleManagement, RoleEnum.admin })]
        public async Task SetRoles([FromBody] UserAndRolesDto dto)
            await service.SetRoles(dto.UserId, dto.Roles);

The problem is that I would like to use an abbreviation, something like this:
[AuthorizeRoles(RoleEnum.roleManagement, RoleEnum.admin )]
//или даже
[Authorize(RoleEnum.roleManagement, RoleEnum.admin )]

Such a thing could be done in the .net framework, since it was possible to make a constructor with params RoleEnum[] roles, but it doesn’t work in .net core and I can’t find relevant information in the search engine

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1 answer(s)
yuopi, 2020-09-18

Through the constructor works:

public class MyTestAttribute : Attribute
        public MyEnum[] Roles { get; set; }

        public MyTestAttribute(params MyEnum[] roles)
            Roles = roles;

[MyTest(MyEnum.One, MyEnum.Three, MyEnum.Two, MyEnum.Two)]
public void SomeMethod() { }

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