Samat2021-04-14 19:54:03
Samat, 2021-04-14 19:54:03

Is it possible to make a pdf preview?

I need to convert an element to an image/canvas and generate a PDF from it.
And it is very desirable that there be a preview of the pdf file or what happened


openPDF(): void {
    const DATA = this.paragraphsRef.nativeElement!;

      .then((png) => {
        const w = DATA.clientWidth;
        const h = DATA.clientHeight;
        const hpng = (h / w) * 190;
        const doc = new jsPDF('p', 'mm', 'a4');
        try {
          doc.addImage(png, 'png', 10, 10, 190, hpng, 'SLOW').output('dataurlnewwindow');
        } catch (e) {
      .catch((err) => console.log(err));

How can I pre-output what happened? Before downloading, for now I open it in a new window, but this is a bad option, because. if the file size is too big, then it just won't open

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