Uno2017-01-27 00:55:42
Uno, 2017-01-27 00:55:42

Is it possible to learn a PHP framework while developing a project on it?

Hello! I was offered to work on an interesting project. You need to implement a web service. I don’t experience any problems, but: I’m tired of using crutches / libraries, plus the project must be adapted to highload. The old scheme - writing in almost pure PHP will not work, because. the project involves complex business logic, and everything that I did before was microservices that could do without large frameworks even under heavy loads.
I want to use the Yii2 framework for development. What is the question: will I be able to start developing it while studying it, and so that later I don’t have to redo it 10 times? Maybe learn some microframework?
It is clear that even with 10 years of experience in Yii it will not work without properly configured contents of my skull, but still, share your experience and give advice :)

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1 answer(s)
Eugene Wolf, 2017-01-27

Is it possible to learn a PHP framework while developing a project on it?
To be honest, I can’t imagine how else you can study the framework, incl. PHP.
Plus, the project must be adapted to highload.
Then with the choice of framework, you need to be careful. "Not all markers taste the same."
microservices that did without large frameworks even with solid workloads
Pure PHP code, faster than any framework. I mean well-written PHP code, because there is no "extra" logic in it.
I want to use the Yii2 framework for development. What is the question: will I be able to simultaneously study it and start developing
Most likely yes, although this is very individual.
and so that you don't have to redo it 10 times later?
Most likely not, although this is also very individual.
Maybe learn some microframework?
Maybe. Depends on your tasks and goals.
It is clear that even with 10 years of experience in Yii it will not work without properly configured contents of my skull, but still, share your experience and give advice :)
Well, I'm usually with beginners, I start studying with CodeIgniter, because. it is not replete with all the new features and goodies, and in view of the absence of such seemingly standard things, such as "authorization", for example, it makes them turn on their heads, and not hysterically rummage through the search engine on the topic "how to enable ready-made authorization", but It's not uncommon for me to work with people who are not very good at PHP, Frameworks and programming in general or web development in general. Not many people immediately know what MVC is and so on, and trying to explain to a person what a class is and immediately load it with "namespaces" or "dependency injection" (and everything else) is not very productive (as practice shows). When a student has 10 years of experience behind him, you can immediately start with Laravel / Symfony, at least
PS If you write more specifics, that you know that you don’t know what HiLoad is in your understanding, what resources do you have for this, what kind of database and what kind of task, what frameworks did you use before and did you use any at all, on which languages, what projects (theoretically) have been developed before, etc. it will be much easier to give you some more specific recommendation.

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