#2018-10-08 11:18:37
#, 2018-10-08 11:18:37

Is it possible to externally automate FF bookmark backup? or copy to a clean profile?

Is it possible to externally automate FF bookmark backup? or copy to a clean profile at the file level?
Or maybe something is available from the command line?
I don't know how to write extensions, js is a micron more than "0")) in Sharpe - like at home, and there are more than 2 dozen profiles.
while the need / desirability of "refreshing the profile" was once a year (for example, switching to "quantum") it was still tolerable to refresh everything quietly by hand, but now the trend is that more and more often it is necessary to roll up a new extension (and even with tuning) + it turns out that and stripping the profile won't hurt

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1 answer(s)
SOTVM, 2018-10-08

the easiest way is to export to html , import from it in a new profile.
you can simply transfer the files of the database of bookmarks places.sqlite from one profile to another
favicon.sqlite - a file with icons for bookmarks (you can not transfer it,
the same with passwords

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