Sergey Tominov2017-04-07 09:06:03
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Sergey Tominov, 2017-04-07 09:06:03

Is it possible to delete the VK application through the API?

I want that when a user deletes his account on my service, the connected VK application from the profile is also automatically deleted from him. Is it possible?

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2 answer(s)
Sergey Sokolov, 2017-04-07

There seem to be no API methods for deleting/disabling a previously installed application among apps.* , account.* and Client API .
It is also difficult to fake a POST request to https://vk.com/al_apps.php, which is executed when an application is deleted in the VK interface - in addition act=quit,al=1,id=111111, a certain calculated hash parameter is transmitted there.
You can offer the user to go to the vk.com/settings?act=apps application settings page and click the cross next to your application there.

Sergey Tominov, 2017-04-10

Guys, I got a response from tech support. Sergey Sokolov turned out to be right, and perhaps the only solution to this issue lies in the area of ​​offering the user to cut the application himself from the list of connected ones.
Hello Sergey!
I'm afraid that it will not work from the application side to kill the token.
And there is no way to get administrators.
VK team.

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