Petr Vasilev2018-05-18 23:55:34
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Petr Vasilev, 2018-05-18 23:55:34

Is it possible to delete a Vkontakte page through the court?

Is it possible to delete your Vkontakte page through the court if there is no access to it, and Vkontakte is refused, citing the lack of a photo, although all the information: (date, month, year of birth, city, school, period of study, college, period of study, as well as other information that identifies me as the owner of the page) is present. The reason for the deletion, irrelevant information, as well as information that may be harmful later, for example, children may find out that their father had a good time in his time. There are no photos on the page, but there are not pleasant entries. I also wanted to know what articles of the law I can rely on? Thanks in advance!

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1 answer(s)
Pavel K, 2018-05-19

"The right to be forgotten" although .... if you write here, it means you are not an official, because in my opinion, this will not work for ordinary people: D
Theoretically, you can win a case in court, but it will be expensive - you will have to collect certificates that over the years of training, there was no longer a person with the specified full name at this institute - an acquaintance won the case like that, but on the other social. network.
PS What appeared on the Internet remained here forever and you should not delete anything at all and somehow try to block it. Everything hidden always becomes clear. You will also have to delete from the Google cache, the web archive, and a bunch of other places.

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