Alexander2018-06-24 11:29:22
Alexander, 2018-06-24 11:29:22

Is it possible to create artificial intelligence in java?

I came up with an idea for a super smart music player in java. He will analyze all user data and choose the music that he will be interested in. He will also distribute music by genre and class (for example, calm, fast, bass). I myself don’t rummage in AI at all, but I think I’ll take it as a thesis. I have 2 years. Tell me if it makes sense to learn java for this? What books do you recommend? The application will be for mobile phones. It is also interesting, is it possible to write a program in java under ios?
Familiar with programming

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3 answer(s)
Sergey Gornostaev, 2018-06-24

To date, humanity is not able to create AI. Not in any of the languages.
For the task of selecting music, Java is quite suitable. Look at a bunch of Apache Mahout and Apache Spark. Neuroph and Java-ML may also come in handy.

âš¡ Kotobotov âš¡, 2018-06-24

well, if you are going to write for iOS, take a native language for this platform (swift for example), it will be 100 times better than collective farming something that is not intended for the platform (in any case, you will learn the language from scratch), about Java platforms are probably not the best solution for all sorts of AI, but in general it will also pull, but if I were you, I would focus not on the language, but on the ecosystem, for AI there is a lot on python, but this is also not the best solution, well, in general, try it will not be worse )
only what you described is a recommender system and not artificial intelligence. in general, there are already a lot of such implemented solutions, but for testing, of course, you should try it yourself.

Alexander Taratin, 2014-10-07


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