Andrew2017-12-25 21:24:54
Andrew, 2017-12-25 21:24:54

Is it possible to create a wim image of a screw with linux on board?

Colleagues, good day
, there is an MDT service that deploys the OS to enterprise machines. Recently, there has been a need to deploy Linux machines through this service. One of the options for the development of events is to create a wim image from a turntable and put it in MDT. Tell me how you can make an image of the entire screw of the turntable (and not a section (!)), so that later you can put it in the service.
If there are any other suggestions on how to implement the option of deploying linux on a machine via MDT, then please do not pass by and speak out (preferably deployed :)).
If anything, then I already went to Google and really did not find anything :(

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2 answer(s)
АртемЪ, 2017-12-26

Можно ли создать wim образ винта с linux на борту?
Theoretically - it is possible. WIM is a file format, and it doesn't make much difference what files to put in there.
But there is no practical benefit. This is a purely Microsoft format focused on their infrastructure, and does not make sense outside of it. That is, all existing tools for working with this format are tightly linked to windows. Therefore, for deploying Linux machines, it cannot be useful in any way.
All the same applies to MDT.

rt3879439, 2017-12-27


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