Vladimir Golubev2019-04-15 21:01:14
Vladimir Golubev, 2019-04-15 21:01:14

Is it possible to create a built-in editor for data, with loading / saving to a file?

I have a working mechanism that, when starting the game, loads data from json files - separately data for the game, separately data for translations. However, a typical object structure in json takes up almost a page, and with a sufficiently large number of game objects, creating new ones, editing existing ones, and adding translations for them becomes a non-trivial task, and any violation of the structure of the serialized data will lead to an error when loading.
Accordingly, adding new content by editing json is a bad idea. Theoretically, I can create a separate application (or an editor mode in the game) that will allow you to edit / add objects, but as far as I know, the unity editor itself also supports the ability to write extensions for it.
Accordingly, the question is, from which side to approach the task, so that in the editor you can load a list of existing objects, edit them, add new ones, view the presence of translations from neighboring files, etc.? And is it possible at all - not using prefabs and assets, but just working with a file as with a database?

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1 answer(s)
Ascar, 2019-04-15

EF + sql lite
Or you can save at certain times, and when editing, work with the object in memory.

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