Vyacheslav Lebedev2014-08-25 00:17:41
Vyacheslav Lebedev, 2014-08-25 00:17:41

Is it possible to conduct sql-inj or some other not 'good' dirty trick, having found something like this?

Occasionally I check sites for sql injections, out of curiosity!
And now, for the first time, a site was found with an error thrown out on the screen :)
And here is the thrown error:

ErrorException [ Fatal Error ]: Call to a member function render() on a non-object | 

It is very interesting how this "exploit?" can be used?
And be so kind as to throw something to read on this topic (since the question has appeared).

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1 answer(s)
Sergey, 2014-08-25

This bug doesn't affect the database, and you won't be able to call the code on the server, so there's not much you can do here.

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