Roman2015-06-26 03:11:02
Roman, 2015-06-26 03:11:02

Is it possible to change the height of the sidebar in this way depending on the width of the screen?

On wide screens I want the height of the sidebar to be equal to the height of the post, but when viewed from phones, the sidebar runs under the post and I need the height of the sidebar to be determined as usual based on the content of the sidebar.

Is it correct to use such a function?

     var $winWidth = $(window).width(); 
     if($winWidth > 757) { 
            $("#sidebar").css("height", $(".post").height());

Thank you!

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1 answer(s)
Vlad, 2015-06-26

function fixSize(){

     if($(window).width() > 757) { 
          'height':  $(".post").height()
     } else [
          'height':  'auto'


I would do that, but I don't know if it's right.

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