Alexander2020-03-21 11:03:26
Alexander, 2020-03-21 11:03:26

Is it possible in a .vue component to get the component name or component filename as a variable in sass?

Maybe there is some library?

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2 answer(s)
Alexey Nikolaev, 2020-03-21

You are inventing an unnecessary bicycle (almost wrote "it seems" according to the precepts of CoCK of my galley). The class and component name are different things, they have different naming conventions. So, the css-class should not be written by StudyCaps (as opposed to the name of the component), and, moreover, it may differ somewhat - this is normal.
On this topic

Vue.component('my-thing', {
    name: 'mything'
// later
vm.$options.name // 'mything'

Aetae, 2020-03-21

In principle, the file name can be obtained something like this:

module.exports = {
  css: {
    loaderOptions: {
      sass: {
        prependData({resourcePath}) {
          const vueFileName = resourcePath.match(/([^\\\/]+).vue$/i);
            return `$vue-file-name: "${vueFileName[1]}"`
In every Vue component in sass you will now have a variable $vue-file-namewith the file name.
But why?

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