kattlamanbala2018-04-16 14:46:43
kattlamanbala, 2018-04-16 14:46:43

Is it legal to scrape porn sites?

One old client offers a job, he wants me to make scrapers for 30 porn sites.
Accordingly, I had a question, is it legal or not?
The server where the data needs to be stored will be located in a country where the storage and distribution of pornography is legal.

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3 answer(s)
Stanislav Bodrov, 2018-04-19

Is it legal to scrape porn sites?
Definitely fun.)

Mercury13, 2018-04-16

What information will you tear from the sites?
If the content itself is not very legal, then you are at least violating the copyrights of porn owners.

aderes, 2018-04-17

Civil Code of the Russian Federation in the field of copyright - provides for liability for storage, use, incl. distribution ... directly for the collection of information from sites (*** content ... if it is not personal data, information about private life, etc.) responsibility is not established.
Making parsers and using them at the moment is also not prohibited by law (with some reservations, see *** and if without hacking or using another method of illegal access to information)...
How to use the information received, where and how to store it, I suppose it’s not your area of ​​​​responsibility, but your friend, let him think / decide. Probably, his interests are of a commercial nature, and the answer is probably interested (if interested ...) detailed and justified with references to the rules of law for law enforcement practice, and not free in three lines ...
Want a more accurate idea of ​​​​what is legal in your case , and what may not be very ... then first determine the list and categories of information that the parser will collect (for example, photos, texts - description, comments, etc. ....) and then proceed from this ... your question in this case will be more specific, and not from the category, teach how not to have problems with the law ...

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