Maxim Korolsky2016-07-02 16:06:36
Maxim Korolsky, 2016-07-02 16:06:36

Is it difficult to learn React-Native?

I have 3 years of experience developing on JS
Angular / React / Backbone
2 years of development on PHP / PYTHON
All sorts of different databases
I have never dealt with serious languages ​​like Java, C
I have been working with React for a year with Redux / GraphQL
So I wondered if it was necessary there know JAVA or something else to develop?
What to read, what manuals, where to find a job that would be taught?

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2 answer(s)
Sergey, 2016-07-02
Protko @Fesor

https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/getti... - and go.
ps Characteristics in the spirit of "difficult" or "easy" do not make sense. You either need it or you don't.

Yuri Yarosh, 2017-11-14

By itself, react-native is very raw and crooked in various variations - without native development and picking issues in github, there is absolutely nothing in it. Without knowledge of Obj-C / Swift'a and Java / Kotlin, I do not advise climbing, otherwise there will be stupid questions like: "where can I find a normal library for animations in 60fps?", The answer will be: "Take it and write it."
RN for iOS itself was written in C C++ Obj-C and Obj-C++ at different times and by different people, without tests.
In general, the feeling that "hastily assembled from shit and sticks."

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