Andrey2017-08-07 16:37:12
Andrey, 2017-08-07 16:37:12

Is it critical if the base is filled with empty columns?

There is a table Addresses, with attributes - :zip, :city, :street, :house, :office (Earlier these columns were filled in)
But now I get the address via api, and there the whole address is in one line "code, City, street, house , office". To do this, I made a point column (point). and save the entire row there, while the rest of the columns remain empty.
From here I want to know whether it is critical if the base is filled with empty columns? The database is small, 2 GB.
using postgres

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2 answer(s)
Alexey Lebedev, 2017-08-07

Let them be.
Only if it is not necessary do not take them by SELECT.
In general, it is correct to parse a line and break it into columns. Or store everything in lines.

terrier, 2017-08-08

"Empty" in the sense of NULL? Then they do not take up any space in postgres at all (at the beginning of each row of the table there is a bitmap, which specifies which of the fields are NULL https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sto... ).
If you have empty lines there, then, well, ugly, of course, but on a scale of two gigabytes it is not critical.

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