di2020-02-10 12:06:26
di, 2020-02-10 12:06:26

Is it acceptable to use logrus in projects like this?

You can configure the logger in main

package main

import (

func main() {

func configurateLogger() {
  logrus.StandardLogger().SetFormatter(&logrus.JSONFormatter{TimestampFormat: "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999"})
  level, err := logrus.ParseLevel("debug")
  if err != nil {
    level = logrus.InfoLevel
      WithField("event", "start.parse_level_fail").
      Info("set log level to \"info\" by default")

And then just call logrus in other packages when you need to log an error, without declaring a global logger
package pkg

import "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"

func Work(s string) {
  logrus.Info(`i work`)
  logrus.Debugf(`string: %s`, s)

Is this use of a logger acceptable? Or is it better to pass through the function parameters as indicated here in the answers?
How to properly declare Logger in golang?

I personally do not remember the case when I had to replace the logger for tests, but again this can be done through the TestMain function. Why pass a parameter through a function if the logrus allows you to work like that?

UPD. This is an example if all application errors are logged in the same style, but I wonder if anyone had a project where several different loggers were required?

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2 answer(s)
Vladislav, 2020-02-10

Again I will answer :-) (as well as the question on the link)
Yes, you can use it as written, logrus itself has a global logger by default.
What is the essence of passing a logger in parameters?
We get rid of the global variable.
The logger is passed to the function explicitly.
We can pass differently configured logger to the same function.
For a small application, it doesn't matter how it will be written, with global variables or not, but for a larger application, support will become more difficult.

UPD. This is an example if all application errors are logged in the same style, but I wonder if anyone had a project where several different loggers were required?

I would not advise you to explicitly pass it to the function if you didn’t stumble upon the pitfalls of globals...
Suppose you have a site parsing function and you suddenly (requirements change often in real projects) need to write a log to a file named site, like will you do it with a global logger?
With the transfer of the logger by reference, this is very easy to do:
And in the case of a test, we will replace the logger in a file with a logger with output to the console.
func main() {
  logger := logrus.New()

  sites := []string{

  DoParse(sites, logger)

func DoParse(sites []string, logger logrus.FieldLogger) {
  for _, site := range sites {
    logger.Infof("Start parse site: %s", site)
    siteLogger := initLoggerForSite(site)
    parseSite(site, siteLogger)

Or log a part of the application to a file, and log a part to a file and output to the console.

uvelichitel, 2020-02-10

So it is not possible. Your function configurateLogger()is useless. It only operates on an internal variable logger. To make the variable noticeably more global, you need to declare it in a wider context, outside the function (and not inside the operator :=). And in order for it to be visible in other packages, it must be named with a capital letter var Logger = configurateLogger()and all this goodness must be imported into other packages.

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