LLENN2018-11-25 10:16:11
C++ / C#
LLENN, 2018-11-25 10:16:11

Is an exception thrown when calling the Com object's method instead of the execution result?

To make it more clear what is at stake, I describe the DXGI interface , or rather, I transfer the functionality from this API to my project, for some manipulations.
Describing IDXGIObject :

public interface IDXGIObject
    HResult SetPrivateData(ref Guid name, uint dataSize, IntPtr dataPtr);

    HResult SetPrivateDataInterface(ref Guid name, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown)] object unknownInterfaceObject);

    HResult GetPrivateData(ref Guid name, out int dataSize, out IntPtr dataPtr);

    HResult GetParent(ref Guid rIId, out object pParent);

Next, I inherit this interface, and define a new IDXGIFactory interface :
public interface IDXGIFactory : IDXGIObject
    HResult EnumAdapters(uint numAdapter, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown)] out object adapter);

    HResult MakeWindowAssociation(IntPtr windowHandle, uint flags);

    HResult GetWindowAssociation(out IntPtr outHandleWindow);

    HResult CreateSwapChain(IntPtr lpIUnknown, IntPtr ptr, out IntPtr outPtr);

    HResult CreateSoftwareAdapter(IntPtr moduleHandle, out IntPtr outPtr);

There is also a small Manager class to initialize the IDXGIFactory interface :
public static class Manager
    private static Guid _dxgiFactory1Guid =
        new Guid("7b7166ec-21c7-44ae-b21a-c9ae321ae369");

    public static HResult CreateDxgiFactory(out IDXGIFactory factory)
        HResult result = (HResult)CreateDXGIFactory(ref _dxgiFactory1Guid, out object tmpObject);
        factory = tmpObject as IDXGIFactory;
        return result;

    private static extern long CreateDXGIFactory(ref Guid refIId,
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown)] out object factoryPtr);

So, everything came out well, we got the IDXGIFactory object 、next, we try to enumerate the available adapters:
internal class Program
    private static void Main(string[] args)
        HResult result = Manager.CreateDxgiFactory(out IDXGIFactory factory);

        if (result != HResult.Ok)

        uint count = 0;
            while (factory.EnumAdapters(count, out _) != HResult.ErrNotFound)
        catch (COMException e)

        IDXGIAdapter[] adapters = new IDXGIAdapter[count];
        for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++)
            factory.EnumAdapters(i, out object adapter);
            adapters[i] = adapter as IDXGIAdapter;

        foreach (IDXGIAdapter dxgiAdapter in adapters)
            dxgiAdapter.GetDesc(out DxgiAdapterDesc dxgiAdapterDesc);
                $"IDXGIAdapter {dxgiAdapterDesc.Name} refs count = {Marshal.ReleaseComObject(dxgiAdapter)}",

        adapters = null;

        int refs = Marshal.ReleaseComObject(factory);

The EnumAdapters method call itself succeeds、and returns an IDXGIAdapter、but as soon as the enumerator becomes more than available adapters、an exception is thrown:
Object not found. When calling IDXGIFactory::EnumAdaptes, there is no adapter with the specified ordinal. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x887A0002)

How and why an exception is thrown、after all, in fact, the programmer himself must handle such errors。
How to get rid of these throws if they are not really needed?

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1 answer(s)
LLENN, 2018-11-25

It turns out that COM Interop converts all unsuccessful returned HRESULTs into exceptions by default .
It's worth adding the [PreserveSig] attribute to prevent this:
[PreserveSig] int EnumAdapters(...);

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