Aristarkh Deryapa2017-10-30 21:09:08
Aristarkh Deryapa, 2017-10-30 21:09:08

Install Linux Ubuntu alongside Windows 7?

Hello! I have three drives - C, D, X. How can I install Linux Ubuntu on the X drive as a second system without damaging the data on the C and D drives? I have Ubuntu as an .iso file. Drive X is on NTFS.
ps I'm installing the system for the first time, and I'm also very afraid to damage the data or break something.

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2 answer(s)
GavriKos, 2017-10-30

1) The question has been raised a hundred times
2) Use the search
3) If you are afraid - start with a virtual machine.

Rastachiter, 2017-10-31

put as put on a virtual machine. The main thing is not to miss the moment with disk partitioning, expand the list of disks and select the one you need, they will not be called like in Windows, be guided by the exchange and file system, put the bootloader on one disk with Windows.

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