YakutD2018-10-29 19:57:55
YakutD, 2018-10-29 19:57:55

Insecure connection on local server?

Hello, I started to study ASP.Net Core, I ran into such a problem - I have SSL installed, and constantly when I start the application I see a warning in the browser, saying that the certificate is not valid. I'm running it on a local machine, the certificate comes out of the box, I guess, so it's not clear to me how to set up the project so as not to run into this problem. Of course, this does not interfere much with learning, and I can just turn off SSL so that the warnings do not annoy my eyes, but I just would like to deal with everything at the start.

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2 answer(s)
#, 2018-10-29

certificate comes out of the box
from which box ? if you have a project source for VS from jithub, with a certificate in the kit - the certificate is most likely generated on the machine of the author of the example. and by definition you don't have a private key
I would like to deal with everything at the start
with what exactly?
- you can remove ssl
- you can add a certificate to exceptions in the browser
- you can learn how to generate your own in the studio (if the certificate is in the project)
- you can master the generation of self-signed certificates on IIS (or whatever else you run on it)
and you can either see it right away in the studio menus , or in the IIS manager, or easy enough to google

Stalker_RED, 2018-10-29

the certificate comes out of the box, I guess
You can figure it out by disabling SSL or installing a normal certificate.

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