zhnikita2019-03-11 20:41:40
Network administration
zhnikita, 2019-03-11 20:41:40

Inexpensive vps kvm?

For personal, family needs I am looking for the cheapest vps kvm in Europe. Mainly for jabber, vpn. Ramnode had openvz, now time4vps. I would like to keep within $20-$25. Give me options, you can referral.

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4 answer(s)
Puma Thailand, 2019-03-12

Take VPS at contabo.com

ky0, 2019-03-11

Scaleway from 3 euros.

CityCat4, 2019-03-12

well web. Minimum VPS - 500 rubles / month. Maybe kivas. This is if there is a linux without a control panel.

maseeq, 2019-03-17

eServer.eu - 3.75 euros per month

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