Valera2018-09-14 00:07:57
Valera, 2018-09-14 00:07:57

Individual and legal entity on the checkout page in Woocommerce who has any experience?

I want to implement a payment function for individuals in my store. persons and legal persons.
I'm thinking about radio buttons.
The client visits the checkout page and if he is a legal person, then certain fields are displayed to him, such as TIN, company name, etc. If physical person then other fields.
Throw in a couple of ideas, maybe the plugin is paid or free.
Below is an example
Thank you

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1 answer(s)
Alexey Karpan, 2018-09-14

I think it's done with jQuery.
Select with a choice of individuals / legal entities. And on the selection event, display the necessary fields and hide the unnecessary ones.

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