MrFlatman2020-04-18 17:45:01
MrFlatman, 2020-04-18 17:45:01

Increase the number of slides in a slider?

Hello everyone, there is the usual standard theme "Best Educatio Child", it has a pre-installed slider, as I understand it, it allows you to display only 3 slides, but you need to increase it to 10, tell me, please, if it is possible to do this somehow?5e9b126a91db6812536799.png

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1 answer(s)
Orkhan Hasanli, 2020-04-18

if it is possible to do it somehow?

1) edit the theme files. And of course, no one here will edit the theme files for you. I recommend freelancing. And to be completely honest, I do not recommend touching the theme files, because after the first update you will lose edits. And since it's not a template, creating a child theme is useless.
2) take another plugin and integrate it in the place where the current slider is displayed. Plugins - Layer Slider, Revolution Slider, Meta Slider etc.
3) Change the subject to another

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