seratehi2015-12-03 15:55:53
Social media
seratehi, 2015-12-03 15:55:53

Incorrect work of share-buttons for social networks Share42, can you help me figure it out?

Welcome all.
Dear, help a novice admin understand (there is an administration experience on Joomla and WordPress no more than 2 months; familiarity with php, css and .js is even less).
I'm not sure if my problem has a place on the Toaster, but there is no one else to ask, and google did not help.
There is a site on WordPress. Filed share buttons from Share42. But:
a) there is no facebook counter (although it should be)
b) the VKontakte counter does not work
c) with a share in Odnoklassniki: it does not catch the data-title, data-image, data-description parameters (i.e. without a picture; left title; gives text from the
meta -description of the site, and not the text from the data-description of the button code)site.name/image.jpg "is registered for it)
e) with a share in google+ - the same problems as with FB and OK. Also, the counter does not work!
But with the share of VKontakte - everything is fine! (except for the non-working counter) Only Twitter, MailRu and LiveJournal were left without a test... I
recreated it again, re-uploaded the script - 0 changes.
Maximum information is in the console log: 3a77feb9063a4949ade884aba56d91e4.jpg
Of course, there are alternatives to share42. However, most of Share42 are praised, and I liked the design
... problems described above?Unless, of course, it makes sense to bother with the repair.

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