Captain Cocoa2016-09-14 12:23:36
Captain Cocoa, 2016-09-14 12:23:36

In which folder in Brackets should I put downloaded plugins?

Guys, for a number of reasons that I'm too lazy to explain, I can't install Brackets plugins at work in a
human way.
You have to download them and throw them into the folder with the installed program.
Such a question, I put the program, not a single plugin is installed, I don’t remember in which directory I need to throw the downloaded plugins, who has Brackets and has at least one plugin, please look at the path and tell me.

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3 answer(s)
Ivan Bogachev, 2016-09-14

...for a number of reasons that I'm too lazy to explain... you have to download them and throw them into the folder with the installed program...

The button "drag .zip here to install" also disappeared for reasons that are too lazy to explain?
Well, in Linux, all this is in ~/.config/Brackets/extensions/user

0leg5ergeev, 2016-09-14

Brackets\www\extensions ?

pritvorshik, 2018-05-30

For Windows. The files are in \AppData\Roaming\Brackets, you transfer them to a folder with a new user, you copy them with a replacement.
AppData Hidden Folder First enable non-visible folders. so just in case you don't know.

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