maxles2014-11-09 12:44:28
maxles, 2014-11-09 12:44:28

Image recognition system on Cubietruck (ARM Linux). Is it real?

Hello. There is an image recognition system developed in c # using the Emgu CV library.
There is a task (course project) to make the simplest image recognition system work on a board with ARM architecture (there is a cubietruck).
Before that, I had never encountered Unix-like systems in terms of application development. I tried to install Mono, but it didn’t work properly for the armhf architecture (
Is it really possible to force the board to process the video stream from the connected USB camera

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1 answer(s)
Sergey Lerg, 2014-11-09

Use OpenCV. There are bindings for many languages. The scarf is weak, so you can’t heavily load it with recognition - it will slow down.

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