Leonid Superluminal2014-07-07 15:16:42
Software testing
Leonid Superluminal, 2014-07-07 15:16:42

If you sell load traffic, from what numbers does it acquire a “commodity” look?

Suppose I have a web portal (or collection of web portals), and I can create a situation where a controlled huge number of users can access (or click a certain link) at a time on these portals. Controlled huge means that there are certain tools that allow you to influence certain indicators.
I've heard that some people involved in server hosting might be interested in this kind of peaking capability. If so, who are these people, how to find them, and from what number of visitors / clicks (or what?) such load traffic will be of interest to them?

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2 answer(s)
Dmitry Entelis, 2014-07-07

I can't imagine a situation where people associated with server hosting would need such a service. As a rule, there is already traffic there and it is easy to test new functionality.
The service of mass requests from different IPs will be in demand by people of a very certain kind, what threatens it, see habrahabr.ru/post/116477

Dmitry Kaigorodov, 2014-08-12

There is such a type of testing: load testing. Exactly what you are asking about. But it's not just dumb traffic. Usually these are different sets of tests that run in parallel. There are tools for this. Accordingly, the load may not be very large (1000 parallel clients - ok), but simply the traffic should not be stupid and the results of the requests should be checked.
And I like the idea.

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