dollar2019-09-13 19:58:27
dollar, 2019-09-13 19:58:27

If I connect to a conference (presentation) that is shown based on the commercial version, will the infection spread to me?

Question for those in the know.
For those who are not in the know, I will explain: if you remotely control a computer with a commercial version, then the teamviewer begins to suspect that the connected person is using the program not for personal use (even if this is true) and unofficially marks the computer so that it cannot be used in the future program without buying it. This is their internal algorithm. But what about the mechanics of interaction with conferences?

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1 answer(s)
Oleg, 2019-09-19

No one knows for sure, except for the teamworkers themselves, and they, for obvious reasons, will not share information)
In general, the algorithm by which they begin to suspect of commercial use is constantly changing, it seems to me.
For example, I have never connected to commercial versions, but I get banned from time to time. In my case, because there are many connections to different computers.
Judging by the question, you will also be banned, sooner or later)))

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