EEElice2021-03-13 00:39:45
EEElice, 2021-03-13 00:39:45

I don't understand what happens inside the register after the DIV. "Registers break"?

There is a small code for NASM, in which some operations are performed on the input variables: (x + 1) / y.
The problem is that after division, an attempt to deduce the value of the quotient / remainder from the register ends with the output of a goat.
I don't understand why it behaves this way even for simple values ​​(x,y = 3.2). Actually, this is the point, so that it works at least for such small values.

SYS_EXIT  equ 1
SYS_READ  equ 3
STDIN     equ 0
STDOUT    equ 1

section .data
   inp1msg db "enter x:", 0xA,0xD
   len1 equ $- inp1msg
   inp2msg db "enter y:", 0xA,0xD
   len2 equ $- inp2msg
   outmsg db "result:"
   len3 equ $- outmsg
section .bss
   x resb 8
   y resb 8
   z resb 8
section .text
   global _start

   mov eax, SYS_WRITE         
   mov ebx, STDOUT         
   mov ecx, inp1msg        
   mov edx, len1 
   int 0x80                
   mov eax, SYS_READ ;вводим x
   mov ebx, STDIN  
   mov ecx, x
   mov edx, 8
   int 0x80            
   mov eax, SYS_WRITE;вводим у
   mov ebx, STDOUT         
   mov ecx, inp2msg         
   mov edx, len2         
   int 0x80
   mov eax, SYS_READ  
   mov ebx, STDIN  
   mov ecx, y 
   mov edx, 8
   int 0x80        
   mov eax, SYS_WRITE         
   mov ebx, STDOUT         
   mov ecx, outmsg         
   mov edx, len3         
   int 0x80
   ;перемещаем переменные x y в ax bx соответственно
   mov ax, [x]
   mov bx, [y]
   ;1 x+1 (увеличиваем x на 1)
   inc ax
   ;2 (x+1)/y делим на у, все проблемы начинаются отсюда
   div bx

   mov [z], ax
   mov eax, SYS_WRITE
   mov ebx, STDOUT
   mov ecx, z
   mov edx, 1
   int 0x80
   mov eax, SYS_EXIT   
   xor ebx, ebx 
   int 0x80

The following is output:
enter x:
enter y:

If you comment out the division, then the output of the result x + 1 will be normal:
enter x:
enter y:

That is, this is a problem in the division itself. The output of registers al (like ax in the first snippet) also gives a goat, ah outputs emptiness:
enter x:
enter y:

enter x:
enter y:

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1 answer(s)
galaxy, 2021-03-13

The numbers from read() come in the form of strings - sequences of ASCII codes. For 2 and 3 it will be 0x32 and 0x33 respectively (I have already forgotten, to be honest, whether they will come along with "\n" or not).
In short, you are sharing ASCII codes.

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