Maxim2016-09-25 01:35:08
Maxim, 2016-09-25 01:35:08

I do helpfree for schools, kindergartens, colleges. Do you have free templates with education theme for various CMS?

I will not advertise the project, if you ask, I will answer in the comments.
Now I am doing a free support service for teachers, educators, educators when creating their own sites. There are a couple of dozens of their educational templates . I will be glad if you share your site template developments, design themes for various CMS (any from joomla to dokuwiki, from instantcms to phpbb) for free, but only educational topics .
The project is free! In themes and templates, you can leave your link, but only one.

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3 answer(s)
Sam Stay, 2016-09-19

Maybe ruseller.com/lessons.php?rub=29&id=460

Sanes, 2016-09-25

Any template will do. The theme is set by a drawn header and corresponding photos on the pages.

hotb, 2018-11-09

Have a look at ultron.pro - lots of unused templates and ready-made sites on MODx .

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