Ilya bow2018-10-16 23:05:46
Windows Server
Ilya bow, 2018-10-16 23:05:46

I correctly understand the people what AD LDS and FIM are or not?

I understand correctly that AD LDS is a directory service in which third-party software will store everything necessary (logins and passwords there) so that ad dc does not clog, and FIM is a thing that allows you to connect and manage various directory services?

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1 answer(s)
Sergey Ryzhkin, 2018-10-17

The title is from the series "I shook your house with a pipe." I read it from the second time.
AD LDS provides data storage and retrieval for directory applications, but without the dependencies required by Active Directory directory services (AD DS). AD LDS provides much of the same functionality as AD DS, but does not require the deployment of domains or domain controllers. You can run multiple AD LDS instances on the same computer at the same time, with an independently managed schema for each AD LDS instance. Read more .
If by FIM you meant Forefront Identity Manager, this is the main word here Identity- if figuratively, then this is a system for managing credentials or passwords. But this is quite figurative, in a word, access control. Only MIM Microsoft Identity Manager 2016 came to replace him , sort of.

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