fuitov2021-05-15 09:36:27
fuitov, 2021-05-15 09:36:27

I can't write AHK, what's wrong?

The essence of the program: The
E key should be held for 10 seconds, then it stays in afk, about 5 seconds, the key is released and pressed again, and so on in a circle until you stop
Send {e down}
Sleep 10000 ; 10000 milliseconds = 10 seconds
Send {e up}

I wrote like this, I press the left Ctrl and the E key is pressed, then released, and I need to press Cntrl again how to automate this so that Ctrl turns the script on / off?

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2 answer(s)
fuitov, 2021-05-15

What needs to be replaced?

Vehs, 2021-06-21

That's right. You pressed Ctrl and the loop started. The cycle will end in 10 seconds, because it has a return, i.e. end of the script. Put return after the closing curly brace.

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