Nikolay Nikolay2020-06-16 02:36:48
Web development
Nikolay Nikolay, 2020-06-16 02:36:48

I can't decide: PHP or Python?

Good day to all!
Let me tell you a little about myself so you can get the whole picture.
In touch, the guy is almost, almost 24 years old. There is a technical "crust", which he graduated in 18. At the university he was lazy and did nothing from the word at all. Only by the third year I began to somehow roll into the IT sphere. I started trite with layout + minimal js and php (to make a slider with the help of a forum and make a feedback form). Then he went to a web studio and worked there for a year. Responsibilities: SEO, layout, customer support. In short, not the front, not the back, but superficial work on the web, with a greater emphasis on SEO.
He left there a year later, managed to work at the factory for two weeks (he went to CNC, but realized that the maximum that shines there is a lathe and no CNC). After that, I worked as a manual tester - it didn’t work.
I understand the web quite well and this is the only area where I can at least deduce something. Now, in order not to die of hunger, I decided to get some part-time job (far from IT) for half a year or a year, at the same time to roll into the back, but I began to get a grasp of forums, articles, news and everywhere infa, contradicting each other. Now I can’t choose at all: PHP or Python.
I tend to php, but I'm afraid that it will be bent and I will have to jump to a new EP.
And what do you think about June at 25? If I spend a year studying now.
I'm afraid that the entries in shopping mall that the first work is IT, and 2 and 3 are not IT, this is somehow quite sad. What do you think?

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7 answer(s)
DevMan, 2020-06-16

there is no need to be afraid: puff is buried almost from the moment of its appearance. and they never get buried.
the language just gets better. and the infrastructure around it too.
you need to: learn both languages, at least in a minimal set, and make an informed choice. each of them has its pros and cons.
for me personally, for the web dev as a whole, puff (which I came to after python) went perfectly. but this does not prevent me from writing separate tasks in python for the same web, for which it is better suited.
and entries in the shopping mall are generally of little concern to anyone (on a market scale). I don’t have it at all, and this hasn’t stopped me from working for 20+ years.

Developer, 2020-06-16

I tend to php, but I'm afraid that it will be bent and I will have to jump to a new AP

First, php will not be bent.
And secondly, you have some strange fear of languages. You still HAVE to learn other languages. And this is good.
So learn both languages ​​- PHP and Python. And don't forget to learn another five to ten languages. I'm serious

balberbro, 2020-06-16

I know both languages ​​(initially I learned Python, but I could not find a job - as internships and initial vacancies, as a rule, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and in the regions, ready-made specialists in Python with commercial experience are immediately needed). I retrained in php (Symfony stack), I have been working for three years already, everything is ok.
Theoretically, the salary fork is higher in Python, and it’s easier to dump it in the USA, but in Russian realities, it’s much easier to start in PHP. And when you already get 100k without jitters, you can relearn to another stack and migrate to Java / Net conditionally.
And in general, the Python job market is very specific.

xirtib Si Tihs, 2020-06-16

anyway, you will have to use something other than php, it is easier and more pleasant to read and edit the code in python than in php, basically if you go freelancing, you will have to shovel a bunch of shit in php to fix something for someone (checked). In general, you will have to learn php if you want to go to work in a web studio, if you don’t want to study and go already special in python or a similar language (it’s better to start with php, and if you want to grow, you will already try to learn jap), in a web studio the only way out this is php, how will you grow if you learn another language, and you can show and prove that it is better to implement this or that on this technology, then you will do what you like, and without puff in web studios there is nowhere if you are asked to do some a bot, or a monitor, or something more than a website, then forget about the puff!

twoone, 2020-06-16

It all depends on your needs and capabilities. If you can easily imagine your life as the life of an average engineer (average income and average level of comfort at work), then choose php. If you want to get the most out of programming, then you should not look towards medium-sized projects developed by companies in which the communist atmosphere and slavish attitude towards people reign. If you are confident in your capabilities as a techie, then learn c # which is far ahead of the languages ​​​​you mentioned in terms of technical part and which many large companies are already using in production today. Tomorrow, this language will occupy a niche that has been firmly fixed for the last fifteen years for java.
If someone says that c# is difficult for the first language, then this is complete nonsense. Think for yourself, why is it more difficult for a Chinese child than an Italian one? The first language is always equally difficult! The real difficulty begins when learning subsequent languages ​​using other paradigms. So with c # it will be much easier to switch to another than to itself.
The arguments that it is easier to start freelancing in php than in c# are supported by statistics from freelance sites. This is partly true. c# is not needed. But there are no junas needed! There, for one penny order, a squabble is fought between hundreds of studios and just free managers, who just want to snatch an order and delegate it for 10 cents from those kopecks that are offered for it. The only place you will be taken to is a desk where work is comparable to working in a galley.
And learn to think for yourself. You asked which is better php or python and they answered you. If you ask which language is better, then you will be listed all the existing languages ​​because they are all taught by someone and everyone refuses to admit that their choice sucks. Tomorrow only c#, javascript\typescript, nodejs will be needed.

segio_tt, 2020-06-16

When applying for a job, they don’t look at shopping malls, everyone doesn’t give a shit about this, the main thing, as they wrote above, is that you are very well versed in web development

Oneil53, 2020-10-06

heh, it seems to me in vain that you take a steam bath because of your age, I'm 34 in a month and I'm 10 years old as a system administrator, and then I change course, sort of like 2/3 Devops, and I would think to raise my qualifications, but I plan to completely switch to remotely, this is already a dubious thought, but I’ll move one fig into web development, and I’ll teach both, I would choose python but without php anywhere, and look at the number of vacancies, and almost the entire Internet is written in php, and no one will redo everything , the work will be, by the way, I went to work as an IT specialist immediately after the welder (and in fact the operator of the CNC machine))))

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