Alexander N++2014-01-02 14:16:39
Alexander N++, 2014-01-02 14:16:39

HTML parsing. How to pull flashvars through regular expression?

Good afternoon
Tell me why preg always produces a zero result:

var page:String  = e.target.data;
      var result:Array = page.match(/flashvars=\"(.*?)\"/gi);
      trace('flashvars', result.length );

PS page gets the rules.

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1 answer(s)
Alexander N++, 2014-01-02

Here is the solution

var page =  e.target.data;
var finder:RegExp  = /name=\"flashvars\"\s+value=\"(?P<flashvars>.*)\"/gi
var result:Array = finder.exec(page);
trace('flashvars', result.flashvars );

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