Anton2010-12-13 11:12:22
Anton, 2010-12-13 11:12:22

HTC Legend vs HTC Gratia, which is better to take?

Good day ... Which of these smart phones would you recommend taking, and why? You can offer other options for the same money (~ 17,000 rubles) ...

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3 answer(s)
LProf, 2010-12-13

I have Legend now. A good device, it makes no sense to describe everything, I think the price is slightly overpriced. Got an off a week ago. update to 2.2 Froyo which pleases, everything has become a little faster, especially the browser. After a couple of months of careless use, two barely noticeable scratches appeared on the case, but it seems to me that they only decorate the aluminum case =)
I don’t like Gratia visually, especially these type of futuristic bolts on the back cover, but it’s a matter of taste, I didn’t study the technical specifications .
I also had the opportunity to feel Acer Liqued for a long time, for my money I consider the device a very, very interesting solution. Amazing screen, speed, etc., but if you take liqued E, then I think it’s an interesting phenomenon in general.

BombilCalabasov, 2010-12-13

The devices are very similar.
1. Gracia has a regular VGA versus WVGA from the Legend. There is a small compatibility problem with some toys, which are mostly made for WVGA. Legend +1
2. I personally like hardware buttons on Legeng more. Legeng +1
3. In Grazia, you can change the memory card without turning off the device, in the Legend it will not work. Gratia +1
4. Legend, as a device, is now "on the wane". They released 2.2 for it, but that seems to be it. Most likely there will be no more updates. Gratia is just entering the market, so we can expect 2.3 for it. Gratia +1
I got 2:2, draw.

Shirixae, 2011-01-14

Take the gray HD2, they are within 16k, the android is installed without problems.

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