Rufix2018-07-26 00:33:15
Rufix, 2018-07-26 00:33:15

How (where) to learn WordPress?

Where to learn CMS like Wordpress and others? By yourself, by trial and error, or maybe on Youtube? Do I need to spend money for training (buy all sorts of plugins, etc.)?

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4 answer(s)
Artem Abramovich, 2018-07-26

I have not seen anywhere in RuNet that WordPress was taught directly. Only in the bourgeoisie there are courses.
In fact, it is not required to learn, it is enough to be able to google and read the documentation. There is a lot of information. But at the same time, there must be basic knowledge of html, css, js, php, otherwise it will be very difficult.
Well, there is another option - to attract a mentor, but here's how to get it

Orkhan Hasanli, 2018-07-26

- Install VI
- Install plugins
- Install themes
- Create a theme
- Create plugins (plugins, mu-plugins) Dig into
Wordpress Codex or wp-kama.ru
some framework Yii2, Laravel or some programming language php, html, css, javascript, sql, java, regex

zorca, 2018-07-26

https://launchparty.org/ - a cool resource, it considers all the nuances from the very beginning.

Michey, 2018-07-26

There are 2 video courses on WordPress on pcgramota.com. One for 8 lessons - the basics. The other is for 4 months and looks at a wide range of possibilities.

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