polar_winter2015-02-14 12:08:48
polar_winter, 2015-02-14 12:08:48

How to write MutexLocker correctly?

Created a self-written MutexLocker wrapper, according to RAII.

class pthread_mutex_locker
    pthread_mutex_locker(pthread_mutex_wrapper * mu);

    pthread_mutex_wrapper * mutex;

I applied my MutexLocker with an anonymous object.
// Тело какой-то функции.
//Какой-то код


There is a suspicion that the anonymous object is destroyed earlier than necessary and does not protect the code. How do I get it to be destroyed when the function exits. Should MutexLocker be a named object? Are named objects guaranteed to be destroyed on function exit, and not somewhere else?
gcc version 4.8.1 20130909

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4 answer(s)
Armenian Radio, 2015-02-14

Your variant will not work - the mutex will be destroyed immediately after creation. Strictly speaking, in C++ there is no such thing as an "anonymous instance", there is a "temporary instance".
For a named instance, destruction is guaranteed when it goes out of scope - the compound operator {}.

Mercury13, 2015-02-14

pthread_mutex_locker locker (&mutex);
Name it something, and everything will be okay.

Dmitry, 2015-02-14

What's wrong with std::lock_guard?

AxisPod, 2015-02-14

If there is no C++11, take boost::thread.

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