uirriu2021-08-24 00:53:24
uirriu, 2021-08-24 00:53:24

How to write data to a file in the given order?

I'm trying to make sure that data from VKontakte is written to the file in the following form: first the post, followed by the first comment, all the replies to this first comment, then the next comment and all the replies to the second comment, when all the comments are over, the next post and etc. But something doesn't work. Please help me understand what is wrong and how to do it.

import csv

import requests

token = 'token'
version = 5.131
owner_id = '-174228153'
post_id = 0
comment_id = 0
count = 10
i = 0

# функция записи данных в файл
def file_writer(all_post, all_comments, all_undercom, i):
    with open('parsing.csv', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as file:
        a_pen = csv.writer(file)
        a_pen.writerow(['id', 'text', 'likes', 'reposts', 'type', 'parents_stak', 'owner_id'])
        i = i
        for m, k, z in zip(all_post, all_comments, all_undercom):
            a_pen.writerow((all_post[i]['id'], all_post[i]['text'], all_post[i]['likes']['count'],
                            all_post[i]['reposts']['count'], 'post', '-', all_post[i]['owner_id']))
            j = 0
            for k in all_comments:

                if j < len(all_comments):
                    a_pen.writerow([all_comments[j]['id'], all_comments[j]['text'], '-', '-', 'comment',
                                    all_comments[j]['post_id'], all_comments[j]['owner_id']])
                    j += 1
                    t = 0
                    for z in all_undercom:
                        if t < len(all_undercom):
                            a_pen.writerow((all_undercom[t]['id'], all_undercom[t]['text'], '-', '-', 'subcomment',
                                            all_undercom[t]['id'], all_undercom[t]['owner_id']))
                            t += 1

# получение всех постов
def get_posts(token, owner_id, count):
    token = token
    version = 5.131
    owner_id = owner_id
    count = count
    offset = 0
    all_posts = []

    while offset < 100:
        response = requests.get('https://api.vk.com/method/wall.get',
                                    'access_token': token,
                                    'v': version,
                                    'owner_id': owner_id,
                                    'count': count,
                                    'offset': offset
        data = response.json()['response']['items']
        offset += 100
    return all_posts

# Получение id текущего поста
def get_post_id(all_post, i):
    for post in all_post:
        post_id = all_post[i]['id']
        return post_id

# получение всех коментариев под постом
def get_comments(token, owner_id, post_id, count):
    token = token
    version = 5.131
    owner_id = owner_id 
    post_id = post_id
    count = count
    offset = 0
    all_comments = []

    while offset < 100:
        response = requests.get('https://api.vk.com/method/wall.getComments',
                                    'access_token': token,
                                    'v': version,
                                    'owner_id': owner_id,
                                    'post_id': post_id,
                                    'count': count,
                                    'offset': offset
        data = response.json()['response']['items']
        offset += 100
    return all_comments

# получение id текущего комментария
def get_comment_id(all_comments, i):
    comment_id = None
    for coment in all_comments:
        if i < len(all_comments):
            comment_id = all_comments[i]['id']
        return comment_id

# получение ветки подкоментариев
def get_vetcom(token, owner_id, post_id, comment_id, count):
    token = token
    version = 5.131
    owner_id = owner_id
    post_id = post_id
    comment_id = comment_id
    count = count
    offset = 0
    all_comments_vet = []

    while offset < 100:
        response = requests.get('https://api.vk.com/method/wall.getComments',
                                    'access_token': token,
                                    'v': version,
                                    'owner_id': owner_id,
                                    'post_id': post_id,
                                    'comment_id': comment_id,
                                    'count': count,
                                    'offset': offset
        data = response.json()['response']['items']
        offset += 100
    return all_comments_vet

all_post = get_posts(token, owner_id, 10)  # получили список постов

while i < len(all_post):
    post_id = get_post_id(all_post, i)  # получили id текущего поста
    all_comments = get_comments(token, owner_id, post_id, 10)  # получили список коментариев под этим постом
    comment_id = get_comment_id(all_comments, i)  # получили id n-го комментария из списка комментариев
    all_undercom = get_vetcom(token, owner_id, post_id, comment_id, 10)  # получили список подкоментариев этого коментария
    file_writer(all_post, all_comments, all_undercom, i)
    i += 1



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1 answer(s)
Vindicar, 2021-08-24

for m, k, z in zip(all_post, all_comments, all_undercom):
Why do you need this loop if you do below
for k in all_comments:
for z in all_undercom:
I have a feeling you don't really understand what the zip function does .

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