Roman2015-05-17 14:59:28
Roman, 2015-05-17 14:59:28

How to write a request with BETWEEN?

The database has 2 fields with dates. The from and to fields contain dates from and to , such as 20150517 and 20150520 .
I send two dates in the form, and those users who enter the specified period are shown.

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2 answer(s)
Roman, 2015-05-17

Already figured out, you can delete the question), and if not, maybe someone will come in handy.

SELECT * FROM student WHERE DATE(from_date) >= '2015-05-01' AND DATE(to_date) <= '2015-05-23'

Mykola, 2015-05-17

SELECT * FROM `student` WHERE (from_date BETWEEN '2015-05-01' AND '2015-05-23') AND (to_date BETWEEN '2015-05-01' AND '2015-05-23');

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