GuardeAn2016-04-20 12:26:17
GuardeAn, 2016-04-20 12:26:17

How to work with tasks from Redmine in PHPStorm?

How to view task details such as due dates, attached files, comments in phpstorm? It would also be nice to know how to display a list of project tasks

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1 answer(s)
Sergey Novikov, 2016-04-20

Short answer to the question
No way.
Full answer: same, but you can see the task description (Tools>Tasks>Show ... description). Nearby there is a button to open in the browser (Alt + Shift + B). In PhpStorm, this functionality exists so that you can quickly switch between tasks. From the IDE itself you cannot create or edit tasks (at least not available for Redmine), you can only create a context for already existing tasks.

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