fsamorodov2015-11-04 21:29:09
fsamorodov, 2015-11-04 21:29:09

How to use $(window).load(function(){} in emberjs?

Hello! The question for emberjs 2.1 is the following:
There is some code in the js file that does not want to work in any way.

    console.log($('#gender input').val()) // undefined! Хотя по факту 'man'

Apparently the DOM is loaded later than window.load starts, and maybe some other feature.
Tell me how to solve this problem?

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2 answer(s)
Stanislav Romanov, 2015-11-04

You can use the ready event , but this is a clumsy way.
It is more correct to make components and execute mCustomScrollbar and styler inside them.

fsamorodov, 2015-11-05

$('select').styler();called on almost every page.
Those. do I need to call the function separately for each page, in the components?

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