shane892016-01-31 23:52:07
Network administration
shane89, 2016-01-31 23:52:07

How to use vps?

.hi, I wanted to know how to use vps. This is a normal OS on which you can install xampp, set up apache, ip, and launch the site. Everything is the same as locally, only on vps. Did I understand correctly?

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2 answer(s)
Dmitry, 2016-01-31

Yes. Only now I do not recommend xampp either locally or even more so on the vps (Is this a miracle that Linux also has it as an assembly?).

zooks, 2016-02-01

This is not a regular OS, but a server one based on the Linux kernel - Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS.
It is not XAMPP with Apache, intended for testing, but nginx + php-fpm and the rest.
Yes, you will have to work with the terminal via SSH, and not poke buttons like in Windows.

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